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Can too little sleep make you gain weight?

Skip Breakfast, Get Fat

How to stick to your Fitness New Year's Resolutions this year!

Why should women lift weights? 

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Can too little sleep make you gain weight?

According to an article by Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D., a Yahoo! Health Expert for Nutrition, recent studies have linked inadequate amounts of sleep to weight gain, obesity, and an increased risk of developing diabetes.*

A 2005 report, for example, involving about 25,000 men and women enrolled in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) found higher body mass indexes (BMIs) and more obesity in those subjects who averaged less than seven hours sleep a night. And a 2007 analysis of NHANES data found a nearly 50-percent increase in the risk of diabetes among those participants averaging less than five hours of sleep daily. About one in ten of the men and women surveyed slept less than 6 hours a day, while a comparable number slept for more than nine hours a day.*

Both of these studies found that sleeping for 9 hours or more did not lead to weight gain or to a greater incidence of obesity.*

Finally, results of a huge door-to-door survey of 87,000 American adults conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), revealed that obesity was greater in those people who slept either less than or more than seven or eight hours a day. Obesity rates were 33 percent among those who slept less than six hours a night; 26 percent in those getting nine hours; and 22 percent in those getting seven to eight hours of sleep.*

And other evidence from experimental studies showed that sleep deprivation raised blood levels of hunger-producing hormones and considerably increased appetite. The sleep-deprived subjects especially craved sweets, starches, and salty snacks.*

So it begins to look like, besides recommending fewer calories, good supplements and more exercise to keep off the extra pounds, we should probably also start prescribing more hours of sleep.*

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Study Shows...Brain Craves High-Calorie Foods When You Skip Breakfast
WebMD News Article
By Kelli Miller, Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

June 15, 2009 -- Skipping breakfast is often a big no-no if you are trying to lose or maintain weight because it leads to high-calorie cravings later. Now researchers think they know why that happens.*

Forgoing the first meal of the day actually tricks your brain into thinking you want higher-calorie foods -- foods that can make you fat, or at least increase your risk for weight gain.*

A team from Imperial College London presented the news at the Endocrine Society's 91st annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The researchers used a scan called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to look at how feeding behaviors affected the brain's "reward" center, which plays a role in pleasures and the body's response to them.*

Functional MRI allows doctors to look at how blood flow increases in response to brain activity.*

The study involved 20 healthy, non-obese people. They skipped breakfast before the fMRI exam. During the test, they looked at random photos of high- and low-calorie foods. The high-calorie foods included pizza, cake, and chocolate. The healthier options included vegetables, fish, and salad.*

The brain's reward center lit up more vividly, or became more active, when the person saw a high-calorie food as opposed to a low-calorie choice. (The taste and smell of food can also activate the brain's reward center.)*

However, when the participants ate breakfast and had the same test repeated 90 minutes after eating breakfast, the brain's reward center did not show any significantly greater activity when shown the high-calorie photos.*

The study participants also rated how appealing they found each food picture. When skipping breakfast, high-calorie foods topped the list of favorites. After eating, however, the group did not show a strong preference for the calorie-laden foods. Their choices corresponded with the MRI findings.*

Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day, and researchers say their findings add credence to that adage.*

"Our results support the advice for eating a healthy breakfast as part of the dietary prevention and treatment of obesity," Tony Goldstone, MD, PhD, a consultant endocrinologist with the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre at Imperial College London, says in a statement. "When people skip meals, especially breakfast, changes in brain activity in response to food may hinder weight loss and even promote weight gain."*

Researchers hope the findings could one day lead to the development of weight loss medications that target the brain's reward circuitry and disrupt the craving bias between high-calorie and low-calorie foods.*

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New Year's Resolutions

How to Stick to your Fitness New Year's Resolutions this Year!

Year after year, it has been easy to make New Year’s Resolutions to improve your health and fitness.  However, the real challenge is being able to follow thru with them for the entire year.*

Until you make exercise and nutrition a part of your daily activities like eating and sleeping, you will always find reasons to quit.  If your goal is to work out, exercise, and improve overall health, nutrition and fitness this year follow these ten easy steps below.*

New Year's Resolutions
  • Set specific goals to achieve and display them where they can easily be seen daily.  This will help remind you to stay on track and stay committed to achieve your health and fitness goals.  Don’t just say I want to lose weight this year.  Make goals that you know are measureable and achievable.  Break it down to make it less intimidating.  Set several smaller goals to achieve throughout the year that will help you to reach the ultimate goal.  As you achieve that goal, you will be motivated to increase your goal for something more challenging throughout the year. Keep goals on your bathroom mirror or closet wall to remind you every morning of your goals for the day.*

  • Develop a proper diet and nutrition plan and hang it on your fridge.  You can do this on your own or with the help of a nutritionist, such as a friendly employee of Nutrishop Redondo Beach.  One of the most important aspects to a health and fitness plan is diet and nutrition.  Your body needs proper nutrition to function properly, be healthy, burn fat and build lean muscle. Your diet will vary depending on your fitness goals. If your goal is to weight loss, it is important to count your calories.  If your goals are to build muscle, you may actually need to increase your calorie intake.  Beware of those crash diets promising you’re a fast weight loss, they only last for as long as you can stay on that diet, but when you go back to normal eating so does your body.  You need to make a lifestyle change in what you eat and how much of it. NutriShop Redondo Beach offers free meal plans and nutritional advice to all customers.  We have a wealth of knowledge to share with you on various supplements from protein powders, multi-vitamins, creatine, organic fruits and greens complexes, and many more.  By hanging your diet and nutrition plan on your fridge you are reminded of the healthy snacks and foods to eat as you wonder over to the fridge looking for something to snack on.*

  • Find an Exercise Partner.  Find someone who has the same goals as yourself to help motivate you along the way.  Ask friends and family members to help you so you have someone to be accountable to.  Be active with friends.  Meet a friend to go for a walk or inline skating or biking or hiking or play racquetball.  Join an adult sports league to stay active while socializing with friends.  The options are endless.*

  • Track your progress.  By reflecting on your efforts during the week you may find that your schedule needs to be adjusted, you haven't been staying quite within your daily allowance of calories or that your goal needs revising.  Your goals or schedule in July may be different than what they were in January when you originally set your fitness resolutions.  Once a week you should measure your results. This could be measuring your lap times around a track, recording your distance on a bike, measuring your waist line, lifting heavier weights or increasing repetitions. These are all indicators of improved fitness. It is important to give yourself credit where it is deserved and find areas that are improving and areas that need to be re-evaluated. Keep a journal, a journal helps you recognize your positive steps and makes it harder to go back to the same old habits.  It will help you determine how far along or behind you are on your resolutions.  Don’t be afraid to alter your steps to achieving your resolutions.*

  • Reward yourself along the way with each accomplished milestone.  Focus on positive self-talk. Congratulate yourself every time you take a step towards your resolution goal. Be your own best cheerleader.   If you've kept to your exercise schedule all month, splurge on a new pair of athletic shoes. Or maybe you hit a specific weight-lifting goal, treat yourself to nice dinner. However you do it, be sure to pat yourself on the back for a job well done.  But, be careful of your reward type. If you've lost 5 pounds, don't give yourself a piece of cake as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to something non-food related, like a professional massage.*

  • Change up your routine every week.  Create different routines or join more than one sport.  Include variety into your plan it will keep it fresh and it won't become a bore or an obligation.  Change your routines to workout different muscles, so that your body isn’t getting used to the same workouts and so that you are constantly seeing improved results. Nutrishop Redondo Beach has many different workout routines that we can share with you give you more variety.*

  •  Get help from a Trainer and Nutritionist.  You may believe your set work out routine and diet are just fine as is, however, by speaking with a trainer or nutritionist, you will receive advice and knowledge that these experts have researched and deal with daily as their profession.  Exercise programs and nutrition should be tailored to the individual.  This is where the experts can help assess your current health, fitness, and diet conditions and suggest alternatives to help you achieve your goals, based on the right nutrition, techniques, and good body mechanics. Even seemingly minor changes in the way you exercise or times you consume your food, can make a huge difference in the results. Everyone needs help and sometimes a friend just isn't enough. Sometimes you need the help of a trained professional.  Research studies have shown that assistance from a fitness professional greatly improves people's success rate.  At Nutrishop Redondo Beach, the knowledgeable staff can provide you with nutritional guidance, whether it be for weight loss, proper dieting, muscle building, overall general health.  We also have close relationships with a variety of trainers and gyms that we can refer you to and provide free trail passes to, depending on your preference.*

  • Don’t take off more than one week.  At the beginning of the year you are the most motivated to start your New Year’s Resolutions.  We all know as time goes by that spark dies down.  Therefore, never take off more than one week at a time toward your goals.  The longer that you decide to stray from your goals, the harder it will be to get back on track.  Avoid berating yourself if you should fall back or break a resolution. Just brush yourself off and start over again during the new week.*

  • Don’t push yourself too hard all at once, pace yourself. Set incremental and realistic steps that you can achieve, instead of shooting for the moon and feeling like a failure when you get burnt out.  Make sure your plan is a realistic one that can fit into your lifestyle. Will you really have the energy to go out for that evening exercise class? Make changes as easy and convenient as possible.  Once you’ve attained your first goal, you’ll be motivated to reach for a new, tougher goal.  Living in an age when we want instant gratification, people tend to do crash diets or hit the gym 7 days a week 2 times a day.  This will shed some pounds, but when you get burnt out the pound will just pile back on.  Give it time, most experts agree that it takes about 21 days to create a habit and six months for it to actually become a part of your daily life.*

  • Finally…commit to your goal and stay committed.  This means a lifestyle change, a positive lifestyle change.  Set long term goals with baby steps of achieving them.  Your fitness level is a reflection of your lifestyle, to improve your fitness requires a change in lifestyle.  Fitness comes in many forms, so choose exercise that you enjoy.  Running on a treadmill and lifting weights are not the only way to improve fitness. For example, join a sports team, a gym, a swimming club, a running club, dust those old skis or snowboards off and head for the slopes, go for a hike.  Decide to walk or cycle to work instead of drive; take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Focus on adding a new, positive behavior to your life each month.  By the end of the year, you'll have 12 new healthy behaviors incorporated into your everyday life.  The only person getting in the way of achieving your new years resolution is you, so commit and enjoy a healthier more energetic lifestyle!*

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Nutrishop Monterey Park

Why should women lift weights?
By Jenna Bergen

Despite study after study supporting the benefits of strength training, many women still opt for cardio over weights. Maybe they’re worried about “bulking up.” Women have seen a few too many beefy men grunting it out in the weight room and fear that if they pick up a dumbbell, they’ll suddenly start to resemble a linebacker, too.

This can happen, although it’s extremely rare. But for most women, “this just isn’t possible,” says personal trainer and Prevention fitness expert Chris Freytag. “Ladies have too much estrogen in their hormonal makeup.”

So what is the secret to looking toned but not tough? Strength training.

Here, nine reasons why women should strength train at least two or three times a week.

1. Your metabolism will soar.
As women age, they naturally lose muscle mass. This causes your metabolism to slow, which means you could start building a spare tire by the time you reach your 30s. “When you do weight-bearing exercises, you start revving up your metabolism—and it keeps burning for many hours after your workout,” says Wayne Westcott, PhD, director of fitness research at Quincy College and Prevention advisory board member. 

2. You’ll you burn fat.
Muscle tissue is more "active" than fat tissue, with each pound burning about 30 calories a day just to sustain itself. So even if you’re sitting on the couch or are stuck at your desk for eight hours a day, the extra muscle mass you develop will burn more calories, helping you finally get rid of that spare tire—and keep it off for good.

3. Your body will get tighter.
While cardio is important and will help melt fat, weights sculpt your body, creating curves and definition right where you want it. They also help fight the effects of gravity, making you much less likely to have arm jiggle in your upper arms.

4. You’ll fit into your skinny jeans.
“One pound of fat takes up much more space than one pound of muscle,” says CrossFit athlete and certified level-1 trainer Cheryl Brost, a 41-year-old mother of two. “So even though muscle weighs more, what do you want all over your body? Something that’s bulky, like body fat, or something that’s lean, and takes up less space, like muscle?”

5. You’ll reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Curbing age-related muscles loss isn’t just good for your looks; it can protect your heart and help ward off type 2 diabetes, too. "Muscle helps remove glucose and triglycerides from the bloodstream, which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as hardening of the arteries," says Timothy Church, MD, PhD, a preventive medicine expert at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

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6. Your blood pressure could drop
"Strength training lowers blood pressure for ten to twelve hours after each session, which gives your heart a break," says William Haskell, PhD, professor emeritus of medicine at Stanford University. "How strength training does this is not completely understood, but it probably has subtle effects on everything from hormones to nervous system regulation."

7. You can do it anytime, anywhere.
You don’t need a lot of space or a lot of special equipment to get a great strength workout, says Westcott. Simply using your own bodyweight through the use of pushups, planks, chair dips, squats, and pull-ups is enough to tone and strengthen your entire body. Bonus: You can do it indoors, which means you don’t have to weather the cold, freezing temps of winter or the scorching heat of summer.

8. You’ll blast loads of calories.
Plyometric strength moves (think squat jumps and burpees) and kettlebell workouts skyrocket your heart rate, which boosts the calorie burn of regular strength training routines. These types of workouts give you cardio, strength, and sculpting all in one, which is a great timesaver, says Freytag.

9. It’s good for your bones.
Strength training is one of the 12 best ways to break-proof your bones. “Lifting weights can help counteract age-related bone loss,” says Ethel Siris, MD, director of the Toni Stabile Center for Osteoporosis at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. “Strengthening your muscles also improves balance and keeps you as strong as possible which lowers your chances of a fall-related fracture. 

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